Adopt a Guitar

Adopt a Guitar
Adopt a Guitar

Adopt a Guitar

Donation Tiers and Rewards:

Every note you help play resonates with hope and opportunity for underprivileged youth in New York City. Choose your impact:

  • Encore Supporter - $5 Donation:
    Receive a vibrant Sticker Pack as a thank you. Each sticker is a symbol of your support, spreading the message of music's transformative power.

  • Harmony Hero - $25 Donation:
    Get a heartfelt Photo of Your Sponsored Guitar. This visual keepsake represents the direct impact of your generosity on a young musician's journey.

  • Melody Maker - $50+ Donation:
    Achieve lasting recognition with Your Name Printed on a Donated Guitar. Leave a personal legacy that strings together your contribution with a child's musical dreams.

About 'Adopt a Guitar':

'Adopt a Guitar' is more than a donation; it's a partnership in building brighter futures through music. We channel your generous contributions into providing guitars to NYC's underprivileged youth, offering them a canvas to paint their melodies and a voice to echo their stories.

Impactful Giving:

With each donation tier, not only do you gift the joy of music, but you also become part of a larger symphony of change. From the tactile delight of a sticker pack to the visual gratitude in a photo, and the honor of your name on a guitar, your support tunes into the hearts of aspiring musicians, creating waves of positive change.

Join the Chorus:

Don't miss the chance to be a chord in the harmony of growth and learning. Donate today and watch as your contribution turns into chords, melodies, and ultimately, life-changing opportunities.

Donation Amount
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